Exhibitions Archive - Page 8

An exhibition space with Tiffany Glass lamps on display. The lamps are made up of mosaic, green blue, purple, and yellow nature patterns and motifs. They come in variations of floor, table, and hanging lamps.
A comicstrip of a South Asian woman, astronaut wading through a polluted body of water filled with junk. Behind her is a red, industrial cityscape smoking the sky. At the top, the comic strip reads “What can we say about her as we sit here, caught in the throes of circular time, warming our flayed soles by the fire? Under her skin the rise and fall: of immortal jellyfish, of unspoken pleas & mechanical hands—selfsame shards of this tumultuous universe…{a sigh of the crossroads?} Tattoo her onto the city’s skin, stroke by stroke by stroke.”.
A large-scale relief map of New York City’s watershed, installed in an exhibition space with navy blue walls. The relief map is guarded off by a metal railing on three sides. Along the longest exhibition wall are eight maps accompanied by wall text.
A black and white photograph of the members of punk band, The Ramones. The four band members are posing in an alley filled with junk. They each have long, shaggy hair with bangs, are wearing skinny jeans, t-shirts, and black, leather jackets. Each has a cool and tough expression on their face.
Three framed portraits of Black elderly women. They are each dressed elegantly and smiling against colorful patterned backgrounds. The framed portraits are sitting on a black, blue, and gold floral background.
A black and white photo of Robert Moses, Grover Whalen, and Mayor Fiorello La Guardia speaking over a map of the 1939-40s World's Fair.