Exhibitions Archive - Page 3

A stylized color photograph of a police barricade. One police officer makes up half the image and has his back turned towards the police line up. He is holding up a flashlight. The second half of the image is a blurred line of police men; one smudge of a face and a row of helmets forming a magenta, stretched beam of light.
A black and white bird’s eye view of Manhattan with a bubble like dome covering the stretch below Central Park.
Two immigrant women wearing kitchen aprons stand in from of an outdoor food stand. Behind them, in metal food containers, are different types of grilled meat, corn on the cob, and plantains. At the top of the stand is a colorful banner with images of different plates that they serve.
A photo collage made up of images from community-based art projects. The images include artist and community members ranging in age, gender, and racial background interacting with different installations. Including, tea ceremonies, talks, murals, and interactive sculptures.
A two-story mural, of abstracted garden patterns and imagery in an empty exhibition space. Descending from the top right corner is a twisting flight of stairs. The first two-thirds of the mural, starting from the left, is mostly green and depicts a person standing in a field. As you move towards the right you see flowers in warm colors and a yellow butterfly. Then the green abruptly stops and a yellow scene begins with more flowers in different colors and a brown butterfly.
A exhibition space with a relief map of New York City’s water system installed on the floor. Surrounding the relief map is navy blue walls with a mixed-media collage and painting installation. The installation has an organic shape and is made of mostly blue, brown and yellow tones.
An acrylic painting of four busts against a color-blocked background in pink, purple, yellow, blue and lime-green. Three of the busts are wearing white and blue striped shirts and one is wearing a pink and white striped shirt. They are all bald, ghostly white, and tilting their heads.
A black sculpture installed on an exhibition floor. The sculpture as a cylindrical base and has six ribbed coils sprouting out of it.
Two side by side portraits of femme presenting adults. The portrait on the left is a color photograph. A cool light shines over the subject’s face which is emerging from a black background. They have blond hair with black roots, arched and painted eyebrows, and a pink lip. They are wearing studs, a nose ring, and a few gold necklaces. The portrait on the right is a black and white photograph and from the hip up. The subject has their face tilted up as if they are basking in the sun. Their eyes are closed and are wearing makeup, dangle earrings, a big jeweled necklace, and a sleeveless, printed dress. Their hair is straight and lightly framing their face.
A black sculpture installed on an exhibition floor. The sculpture as a cylindrical base and has six ribbed coils sprouting out of it.
A figure in a red bodysuit and large bundle of icy blue fabric covering the top half of their body walking across a driveway. In the background is a yellow building with red garage doors and a sign that reads “Jaime’s Used Tires”.
A large quilt hangs from ceiling of an exhibition wall. The square quilt is made up of eight rectangular patches. Each patch is made up with different patterns, colors, and motifs and has the name of a community member lost to AIDs in large font.
A United States Postal Service Stamp with a cartoon image. The image is of a man sitting at brown dinning table against a yellow backdrop. At the table is a soup bowl, silverware, and a glass of red wine. The man is wearing a black suit jacket with a blue vest. Placed on his head is a contraption with 14 steps. Starting with him pulling a spoon that prompts a domino effect ending with a duster fanning his spoonful of soup to cool it down.
A red graphic with three, black and bold words stacked to form a single column. Each word is crossed out with thick, black line.
An embroidered painting depicting a nature scene spilling out of a mosaic pattern. The scene is of a green field and a cloudy blue sky. In the sky is a single bird flying overhead and in the field is a nude human figure with a sphere in hand. The sphere has a snake-like shape curling around it and the figure is looking ahead ready to take aim at the bird with the sphere.
A black and white photograph of a white male, magician. He is standing on a platform and dressed in a tailcoat. In one hand he has a magic stick pointing towards his other hand, holding a top hat. In the background is Queens and the pavilions for the New York Fairs.
A black and white photograph of five people sitting in the back row of a bus. The people are of different racial backgrounds and genders. Their arms are crossed and they are sinking into the back seat. The fatigue of public transport is written on their face. Behind them are two round windows framing road they are passing over and a sign the reads “No Smoking” in all caps.