Past Exhibitions - Page 2

An exhibition space with blue-gray walls and a cement floor. In the center of the floor is a free standing, six-sided, wooden structure installed on a hardwood floor. The structure is black and covered with organized lines of text written in uppercase, white font. Raised above the structure, is a four-sided set of white blinds held together by a rectangular beam and metal wires.
An empty gallery space with a large, laminated, glass sheet suspended from a custom steel rig. The sheet is a translucent, dark gray color and invites a third plane into the space.
A black and white photo of a building with sharp and round corners, and a tower at the center. On the facade of the building reads “GLASS CENTER” in uppercase font. The building is lined with trees and several adults are walking by on the sidewalk out front.
A night time scene of an outdoor dining table lined with folding chairs. Hiding the view of the table's surface, are water jars holding bouquets of wild green plants.
In a black and white image set in the 1970’s, Suzanne Lacy stands to the left of the frame overlooking a room full of people. At the forefront are a group of people in wheelchairs, along the sides people are sitting on a couch. In the background people are standing along the room while others are sitting on the floor creating an oblong empty space in the center.
A projection covering two walls, coming together to create a corner. On the screens are four Black women, standing in a garden with purple and yellow flowers at their feet. Behind and around them are white flower petals. One woman wears a striped jacket over a yellow dress. Besides her an older woman in a red suit, next to her, a young woman in a plaid shirt. The final woman wears purple fabric draped over her head and body.
Installed on the facade of the Queens Museum is a yellow, three part banner with the phrase “Dear Service Worker, “Thank you for keeping NYC alive!” for → forever…”, written in black ink. At the top of the building is a sign that reads “Queens Museum”.
A floral collage made with magazine clippings, paint, and colorful paper cut in organic shapes.
A black and white photo of a group of women of color standing in a circle. They are standing on a park lawn arms length apart from one another. Behind them are tall trees and an above ground railway.
A blue wall has small white wall text on the left. In the middle, a large monitor with a blue water droplet displays ways to say 'water' across languages in the Algonquian language family. There is a large white wall text on the right: 'Tecumseh Ceaser Water Connects Us All'
In the middle is a wooden table with two square wooden benches on both sides. On top of the wooden table are folded maps and a sewage game. To the right is a fake golden toilet across from a vitrine with objects found on Flushing Bay. There is a sign reading Flushing Creek with an arrow next to the vitrine of objects. To the left is a map of Flushing Bay and a table vitrine in front of it with a wooden bench.
Down a hallway, Photographs, news articles and video installations hang on a yellow and white wall with different Caribbean country flags, a rainbow LGBTQ+ flag, and Black Lives Matter flag, hanging from the ceiling in a row parallel to the wall. At the beginning of the hallway is a mannequin wearing a festive, bright colored, colorful, feathered, carnival outfit.
Three Black adults sit in chairs forming a circle in what appears to be a classroom. They are dressed in business causal wear and have surgical masks on but tucked under their chins for a conversation. Behind them is a large poster with the logo for the Rockaway Development & Revitalization Cooperation.
On a black podium a clear plexiglass box houses a plant growing out of a thin layer of soil. The plexiglass box has four metal vents and UV lights feeding the plant from above. The UV light in the box is bright and reflecting pinkish-purple light into the room. Framing the box is two sheets of lime-green plexiglass that have a cut-out mosaic pattern.
On a white exhibition wall you find two art pieces. The piece on the left is a small acrylic painting of tourists visiting Mount Rushmore. On the right is a tryptic of paintings. The first two are on stretched canvas of the same size and the third is on a larger piece of canvas. All three of them have the phrase “am I lovely” in pink, bubbly letters. The first two are depictions of South Asian women, dressed in traditional garments applying or holding bleaching cream and the third shares images and text about beauty standards.
An exhibition space with text and image based art along its two longest walls. In the center is two, flat screens on tripods facing back-to-back. The screens are centered on a red, oriental rug, in between two, brown leather armchairs. On the screen facing forward is a man against a white backdrop. His form is blurred and gestural in a way that implies movement.
An exhibition space with and assortment of classroom chairs arranged in a 3 x 3 square. The chairs are all facing an exhibition wall. On that wall is a projection of class in session overlayed on a back and white design sketch of classroom furniture.
Five colorful banners hang from the ceiling reading Proposal for a 28th Amendment?” And “Is it possible to amend an unequal system? in the five most spoken languages in Corona, NY. Below the banners, four visitors stand and lay on the five wooden colorful soapboxes in different arrangements.
A white exhibition wall with a mural. The mural has a soft blue background and a bed of orange, blue, yellow, and pink flowers at the bottom. Hovering above the flowers is a smoking gun and four large bullets with the phrase “hurt people hurt people” written across them. Above that is a quote by MLK that reads “At the center of nonviolence stands the principle of Love” in orange cursive.
A exhibition room lit up by a slender, wooden light fixture. The light fixture is giving the room a warm tone. On the exhibition floor is dark, wooden panels arranged in a zigzag. Each panel has a unique cut out with a different vessel placed inside.