2016 Calendar - Page 2

An ink on paper illustration of a standoff between a police unit and farmers, set in the 1930s. The two groups are separated by a curved railroad track. The members of the police are wearing hats and have their guns drawn. The farmers are chanting and holding up farming tools and signs, including one that reads “Hunger March”. Away from the standoff is a sign propped up that reads “Farm For Sale” Above the scene are two pieces of cut rope that are knotted tightly around a strong tree branch.
Three framed portraits of Black elderly women. They are each dressed elegantly and smiling against colorful patterned backgrounds. The framed portraits are sitting on a black, blue, and gold floral background.
A comicstrip of a South Asian woman, astronaut wading through a polluted body of water filled with junk. Behind her is a red, industrial cityscape smoking the sky. At the top, the comic strip reads “What can we say about her as we sit here, caught in the throes of circular time, warming our flayed soles by the fire? Under her skin the rise and fall: of immortal jellyfish, of unspoken pleas & mechanical hands—selfsame shards of this tumultuous universe…{a sigh of the crossroads?} Tattoo her onto the city’s skin, stroke by stroke by stroke.”.