In-School Residencies

A close up of two school children facing away sitting cross legged. They appear to be sitting in a larger circle of school children and are each selecting a pipe cleaner from a bundle that is being passed around. The child on the left has straight, long, brown hair, and is wearing blue jeans, a black headband, and a black jacket patterned with tiny white flowers. The child on the right has straight, shoulder-length, black hair and is wearing gray leggings, and a black jacket with tiny multicolored flowers.

Photo: Kuo Heng-Huang

The Queens Museum Education Department works with our partner schools to create customized residencies that integrate the Museum’s resources into programming that supports the goals of each school community. 


Residencies can emphasize arts objectives and focus on art technique, art history, and exhibition design or they can mirror classroom instruction and support Common Core academic objectives. Residencies can be project-based or integrated into service learning projects. They can be designed to reach every student in the school community or to strategically target subgroups of students; for example, those not enrolled in art classes or those who might benefit the most from alternative learning experiences and settings. 


Our goal is to collaborate with school partners to develop programming that utilizes Museum resources to maximize the benefit to students. These resources include:


  • Diverse and critically acclaimed exhibitions: The Museum presents historical exhibitions that speak directly to local and contemporary New York City issues, and cutting-edge, critically acclaimed contemporary art exhibitions and projects that are global in scope.


  • Extensively-trained and accomplished Teaching Artists and Museum Educators: Our roster of Teaching Artists and Educators are carefully selected and receive ongoing professional development and training.


  • Programming that supports academic standards: Education programs have been developed to connect Museum experiences with Common Core literacy standards.


  • Educators experienced with diverse learners and inclusion settings: Through nationally recognized ArtAccess programs the Museum supports diverse learners, including English Language Learners, students with emotional, mental, and physical disabilities, and individuals with autism.


All our residencies ideally include a visit to the Museum and a culminating celebration of student work that can be shown at the school, or when possible in the Museum’s Community Partnership Gallery.


To discuss a school residency, please contact us at



After-School Programs


The Queens Museum Education Department works collaboratively with schools and community organizations to develop customizable after-school programs that offer personalized art-based learning experiences at your school or organization. Students reflect on Museum exhibitions as they participate in hands-on art projects that develop skills and address a variety of concepts and themes. 


Many of our after-school partnership programs are made possible by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Cultural After School Adventures (CASA) program. Please contact your local city councilperson’s office if you are interested in working with the Queens Museum on a CASA program.