Event - United States Society for Education through Art Regional Conference

United States Society for Education through Art Regional Conference

07.17.15, 12:00 am

The 2015 USSEA Regional/InSEA endorsed Conference will examine art education in classrooms, museums and community arts organizations. Art education provides critical tools to enhance individuals and communities in their self-reflection, ways of being, and interpreting and resolving problems. While these settings are often separate entities, this conference will examine ways that participants might share resources, knowledge, and expertise to enrich their respective disciplines.

Art in the classroom encourages young people to develop their talents that will benefit individuals and society as a whole. Museums have a long history in providing comprehensive information, including culture, history and science. However, it is in recent decades that there is an attempt to make museums accessible to all groups of individuals by adopting a policy of inclusion. Community arts can offer a deeper understanding of social dynamics and help to break down inter-generational biases.

Power sharing is a dynamic, continual process necessary in achieving equity in the community, in museums, and in classrooms. For this reason USSEA will partner with the traveling project, An Inclusive World, to continue their common mission to broaden the definition of inclusive models through the integration of art education and art in society. An Inclusive World's ethos celebrates all creativity without a hierarchical order, bridging groups of artists to advocate for a policy of inclusion.

Participants will explore a variety of workshops, presentations and panels over the three day conference to provide a comprehensive investigation into using effective and innovative ways to reach diverse populations. In addition, the traveling project, An Inclusive World, will exhibit the works of artists of diverse backgrounds.

Registration Rates

Educator Rates

Non USSEA or non NAEA Members: $ 85.00
(Fee Includes: A year's membership to USSEA & Conference Meals. Free Admission to New York Hall of Science with Conference ID)

USSEA, InSEA Members or NAEA Members: $ 60.00
(Fee Includes: Conference Meals. Free Admission to New York Hall of Science with Conference ID)

College Students (with current ID): $45.00
(Fee Includes: Conference Meals. Free Admission to New York Hall of Science with Conference ID)

(Include USSEA, InSEA or NAEA membership number or students' ID with registration fees)

To Submit Artworks to An Inclusive World: See www.aninclusiveworld.com
To join USSEA: See http://ussea.net/
To join InSEA: See http://www.insea.org
To join NAEA: See http://www.arteducators.org/