Event - UNA-Queens Celebrates UN Earth Day

UNA-Queens Celebrates UN Earth Day

03.19.17, 1:00 pm

Preserving the environment is one of the most urgent tasks of our time. Join us to learn about urgent issues  both local and global.

Program will inlude:

Panel Discussion and Dialogue with Audience featuring:
Government Actions that Affect Climate Change
Sierra Club: Drinking Water – A Shrinking Resource
National Audubon Society:  Impacts of Global Warming on Bird Habitats
Earth Club of St. John’s Univeristy:  Climate Change in Developing Nations – Peace and Justice Issues

Insights from  “Laudato Si,” Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment

Live Performances of poetry and songs

Followed by Light Refreshments & Networking

For information E-mail: info@unaqueens.org


The UNA USA Queens Chapter is a 501(C)3 organization funded by membership dues and donations. We have no staff or offices. The Directors of the Board and committee members from the membership perform all tasks and functions related to our mission. We meet monthly on the first Tuesday at Queens Borough Hall for committee business and quarterly for membership meetings. Quarterly and Annual Meetings are announced to all members.

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