Event - Sunday Family Workshop

Sunday Family Workshop

07.30.17, 1:30 pm

Spend Sunday afternoons at the Queens Museum and enjoy art making, dance, music and storytelling.

On the fourth Sunday of each month, we offer art workshops led by licensed art-therapists, geared particularly toward families with special needs children, including those on the autism spectrum.

 All Family art making workshops are drop-in, except where stated. No fee or advance registration required. Just show up and stay for as long as you like.

Storytelling sessions run for 15mins and begin at the top of every hour, at 1:30pm, 2:30pm and 3:30pm.

Friendship Bracelets

On this International Day of Friendship, let us resolve to cherish and cultivate as many warm              relationships as possible, enriching our own lives and enhancing the future.”  – UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon

Celebrate the International Day of Friendship, by making a colorful embroidered bracelet for a family member, an old friend or a new friend. Ages 4 and up.

Storytelling: Listen to stories about the value of friendship. Spanish and English. Ages 2 and up.

Pasen las tardes de los domingos en el Museo de Queens y disfruten haciendo arte, música,  bailando y narrando historias.

El cuarto domingo de cada mes ofrecemos talleres de arte guiados por una terapista de arte licenciada diseñado especialmente para familias con necesidades especiales incluyendo a aquellos que están en el espectro de autismo.

Todos los talleres de arte son abiertos y no es necesario postular a ellos a menos que sean casos especiales.  El taller es gratuito y no require registro previo, sólo vengan y disfruten de la actividad.

Pulseras de la amistad

“En este Día Internacional de la Amistad, vamos a decretar apreciar y cultivar tantas amistades como nos sean posible, enriquecer nuestras propias vidas y mejorar el futuro “.  – Ban Ki-moon, Secretario General de la ONU.

Celebra el Día Internacional de la Amistad, haciendo un colorido brazalete bordado para un miembro de la familia, un viejo amigo o un nuevo amigo. Edades 4 años o mayores.

 Narración de cuentos: Escuche historias sobre el valor de la amistad. Español e inglés. Edades 2 años  o mayors.

Family Programs at the Queens Museum are made possible by Lead Sponsor New York Community Bank. The Queens Museum’s Education Programs receive significant support from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. Additional support is provided by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.