Event - Performance Artists Benjamin Lundberg and Social Health Performance Club

Performance Artists Benjamin Lundberg and Social Health Performance Club

08.16.15, 3:00 pm

"Post-Midnight” is a series of artist responses to After Midnight, the current exhibition of modern and contemporary art from India. In the interest of presenting audiences with multiple ways of reading and interpreting the works in the exhibit, we have selected artists who can create interactive experiences for our museum’s publics. We approached artists working in various disciplines– visual art, video, spoken word, dance, and sound–in hopes that the works in the exhibition might inspire varied interpretive forms. Organized in collaboration with guest curator Reya Sehgal.

3pm: Benjamin Lundberg is a Colombian performance artist, theater maker, and educator. His theater and performance making focuses on inviting immersion and participation by creating spaces that script the way audiences engage, and by building performance architectures that create collaborative collisions between a public and a performer (or in some cases the public and an object, or scriptive thing.)

Performance of Hold/Release conceived by Benjamin Lundberg. Part of the EmergeLAB at Brooklyn Arts Exchange © Jeca Rodríguez-Colón 2014

4pm: Social Health Performance Club gathers as a collective of artists to produce events, exhibitions, and other public art projects which directly confront systemic social issues in the art world and beyond. The Club itself is framed as a performance, gathering together as action, understanding social relationships as artistic processes.


SHPC founder Ayana Evans’ performance “Stay with Me.” Photo by Michael Lee Bridges.