¡Oye Corona! is a free monthly cultural celebration of art, music and exercise with live concerts and performances starring both local and global acts. Join us for fun days of dance, exercise and community building in Corona Plaza.
Nuestra celebración cultural de cada mes brinda una serie de conciertos de música en vivo gratuitos llenas de talento local y global para que nuestras mentes se relajen, nos animemos a bailar y a conectarnos entre nosotros. Es una celebración de arte, música y ejercicio de varias formas y una oportunidad para alegrar nuestro espÃritu con mensajes inspiradores. Nos vemos en Corona Plaza.
LOCATION: CORONA PLAZA, 103rd Street & Roosevelt Avenue, Corona, Queens. Adjacent to the 103rd Street stop on the #7 train.
2 – 6pm – The Uni Project
The Uni Project is a nonprofit committed to increasing access to books and learning opportunities with pop-up reading rooms. Their open air structures bring books and a dedicated staff to NYC’s plazas, parks, and public spaces.rooms that bring architect-designed structures, high quality books, and dedicated staff, to the city’s plazas, parks, and public spaces.
El Uni Project es una organización sin fines de lucro comprometida a incrementar el acceso a los libros y las oportunidades de aprendizaje a través de estaciones temporales de lectura al aire libre. Basado en Nueva York, operamos estaciones de lectura que llevan estructuras de diseño, libros de alta calidad y un equipo dedicado, a las plazas, parques y espacios públicos de la ciudad. Hacemos colaboraciones con organizaciones comunitarias y nuestro circuito da prioridad a los barrios que con menor acceso a servicios.
2 – 6 PM – Art making workshop by Millery Beltran
Free Painting: A project for both children and adults to use their creativity and embody their ideas on paper!
Sculptures with paper towel rolls “Mini Zoo:” We will use recycled paper towel rolls to make animal sculptures that will be painted, decorated and assembled with construction paper.
3 – 7PM – DJ Marco Gomez
Corona Plaza programming is supported by grants from The Kresge Foundation, Surdna Foundation, Institute of Museum and Library Services, and The David Rockefeller Fund. Additional support provided by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.
Special thanks to the office of Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras and Queens Economic Development Corporation.
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