Event - Mini Paintings workshop in Mandarin

Mini Paintings workshop in Mandarin

07.21.18, 1:00 pm

Image: Installation view, Queens International 2018: Volumes (October 7, 2018 - February 24, 2019), Queens Museum, featuring Christina Freeman, UltraViolet Archive, 2018 (foreground) and Beatrice Modisett, Every Ninth Wave II, 2018 (background). Courtesy of Queens Museum. Photo: Hai Zhang.

7月21日 (星期六) 下午    1:00 – 3:00       July 21(Saturday) 1:00 – 3:00 pm

於皇后博物館二樓      Weirweiss Gallery, 2nd. floor.

Come and learn about mini painting techniques with artist Teng Teng!



Through the mini painting workshop, participants will have the unique experience of learning how to use their imagination to create an artwork on 1.1 x 1-inch frames. The teaching artist, Teng Teng, will give hands-on instruction on how to paint with a size 0 brush on the miniature frames. The finished mini painting can also turn into a unique brooch, necklace or earring. All materials will be provided and no previous painting experience was required.
透過微型繪畫工作坊,您將獲得獨特的藝術體驗:藝術家滕藤將指導參加的學員們,如何利用的想像力來創作,並且指導學員們怎麼用最小號的畫筆,描繪圖像在1.1 x 1英寸的小畫板上。完成的作品微型繪畫,不僅是獨一無二的藝術作品,也可以變成胸針,項鍊或是耳環。我們會提供所有的材料;參加者不需要任何的繪畫經驗。

Teng Teng is a Chinese-born painter based in New York City. She received her BA from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, and her Master degree from Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. Teng Teng presented her first solo exhibition “listen and color” in Shanghai, the annual Watermill Center benefit & auction in New York, and New York Fashion Week in collaboration with designer SNOW XUE GAO. She is currently participating in the Flux Factory residency program, and present her solo exhibition ONLY ONE YOU in November 2017.

滕藤是來自中國的藝術家,現於紐約生活與工作。她本科畢業於西安美術學院油畫系,持有北京服裝學院油畫專業碩士學位。滕藤在上海舉辦了首場個人作品展覽《聽音辨色》,參與了紐約Watermill Center 的年度募款活動,另外和設計師SNOW XUE GAO 的合作計劃在紐約時裝週展出。目前她正在參與Flux Factory 的駐地藝術計劃,並在2017年11月舉辦了個展ONLY ONE YOU。
Program in Mandarin

Admission is free

Yung-Jen Yang: yyr925@gmail.com