Event - Drop-in Family Work Shop/ Taller de Familias

Drop-in Family Work Shop/ Taller de Familias

06.04.17, 1:30 pm

The Queens Museum invites children 5-12 and their adult companions to explore different works on view each week through a variety of fun hands-on art making activities. Children with special needs welcome, adaptations available. No fee or advance registration required. Just show up and stay for as long as you like.

Using inspiration from artists Emory Douglas and Favianna Rodriguez, participants will make a poster that high lights a social justice issue that is important to them. We will discuss representation, miss-representation and how both of these artists re-framed perspectives of self and others through their artwork.

Location: Unisphere Gallery (second floor) and/or various locations throughout the museum, please check at the admissions desk.

El Museo de Queens invita a niños de entre 5 y 12 años, acompañados de un adulto, cada semana a un taller de arte para explorar nuestras exhibiciones y obras de arte a través de manualidades artisticos. El taller es gratuito y no require registro previo, sólo vengan y disfruten de la actividad. Niños con necesidades especiales son bienvenidos.

Utilizando la inspiración de los artistas Emory Douglas y Favianna Rodríguez, los participantes harán un cartel que destaca un tema de justicia social que es importante para ellos. Discutiremos la representación, la falta-representación y cómo ambos de estos artistas re-enmarcaron perspectivas del uno mismo y de otros con sus ilustraciones.

El taller se imparte en la galería Unisphere y en otras lugares del museo. Para mayor información consulte en la recepción de museo.

Family Programs at the Queens Museum are made possible by Lead Sponsor New York Community Bank. Additional support is provided by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.