Join the New New Yorkers Program for a DIY Printmaking Workshop with Taiwanese artists Li Ping-Yi and Yow Chee-Hoe
Printmaking originates from the ancient art of woodblock printing. The images commonly seen in today’s Taiwanese life, such as the Door Gods and pictures hung on walls that depict blessings given by the heavenly god, are variations of printmaking. These images, characteristic of traditional art, give a vivid picture of the prevalent folk beliefs and religious practices in Taiwan, as well as cultural features that have much to do with people’s everyday life. As it entered the 20th century, modern printmaking in Taiwan started to take on elements of western thinking. Increasingly, it began to go beyond the limits of traditional subject matters and materials and to take in new and innovative concepts, knowledge, and skills.
This workshop aims to build a new form of aesthetics of everyday life by make printmaking easily accessible to the general public. It is desired that the participants will acquire a general idea of printmaking through hands-on experience. In this workshop, the participants will be the subject matters; objects ready at hand will be made into a means of printing. After the surface of the block is inked, a baren or a spoon will be used as engraving tools. Through the creation of prints, it is hoped that the participants will show on the paper their understanding of their friends’ personalities, characteristics and style of dress. Skills such as the application of color xuan paper before printing are used to add variations and dimensions to paper.
地點: 皇后美術館 Unisphere Gallery (二樓)
Olivia Su:
本次工作坊主要目的為以輕鬆、簡易的觀念提倡版畫製作,建立另一種生活美學,同時讓參與者能夠透過實際操作進而了解版畫的樣貌。活動將以「我的朋友 My Friend 作為學員們版畫創作的主題,以輕鬆取材的概念,用隨手可以取得的材料來刻製板子;待板子上墨後,再以馬連或是大家平日常用的湯匙,將油墨壓印在紙張上。希望透過版畫製作的發想,使參與者發現周邊朋友的個性、特色或穿著打扮,並將之表現在畫面上,更期待藉由朋友的特質認識其背後文化的脈絡與意義。此外,也將針對紙張作一些變化,例如在壓印前張貼色宣等技巧,以創迼紙張的多樣性。
Presented by Taipei Cultural Center in New York and New New Yorkers Program.
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