Event - #Dalitwomenfight


09.20.15, 2:00 pm

Join us for a historic event at the Queens Museum where Dalit Women Activists from the Dalit Women’s Self-Respect movement will join Dalit-American community artist Thenmozhi Soundarajan and Dalit-American activists from Queens to break the silence on caste apartheid in India and the Diaspora.

The Dalit Women’s Self-Respect movement is India’s largest historic challenge to caste-apartheid and caste-based sexual violence. In 2014, Dalit women and activists who have had enough of India’s epidemic of caste violence, jumped into jeeps, cars, bikes, and rickshaws and traveled state to state in the largest freedom ride to demand an end to caste based violence in Indian history. At each stop activists comforted survivors, confronted perpetrators, and called out corrupt public officials and the State who are responsible for this violence.

About the Queens Event
The event will open with a caravan of Dalit Americans from through out the tri-state area who will drive through Queens to the Queens Museum. The caravan once complete will open to an afternoon of song, performance, film and discussion. Also present will be photographs and posters that have been created around the world by and for this movement.

Event Co-sponsors
AF3IRM National, New York Taxi Workers Alliance, INCITE: Women of Color Against Violence, South Asia Solidarity Initiative, Ambedkar International Mission, Ambedkar Association of North America and Association of India’s Development, and Desis Rising Up and Moving

About the Artist & Organizer
Thenmozhi Soundararajan is a transmedia storyteller and journalist who believes story is the most important unit of social change. Follow her work at her blog www.dalitnation.com or on twitter @dalitdiva