Event - Creative Watercolor III

Creative Watercolor III

02.01.19, 2:00 pm

This 8 weeks workshop is a continuation of Creative Watercolor I & II and extends the use of watercolor into generating a book. The class will present different types of picture books, including books with linear narratives, non-linear narratives, by project or indexing. The instructor will also cover drawing and watercolor techniques. The participants will learn how to create watercolor paintings to collectively bind a final book of the participants’ chosen subject.


Born in Taiwan and grew up in Thailand, Eleen Lin holds an MFA in Painting from Yale University School of Art, a BA from Slade School of Fine Art, UK. Her work has been exhibited in Guangdong Museum of Art, China; Queens Museum of Art, NY; Gwangju Museum of Art, Korea; and galleries throughout Austria, Thailand, Taiwan, Germany, United Kingdom, and the United States. Lin has been awarded Elizabeth Canfield Hicks Award, Sanyu Scholarships, and has participated with NYFA Immigrant Artist Projects, Fountainhead residency as well as the AIM program from the Bronx Museum of Art. Lin’s current work reiterates folklores and literature into contemporize cross-cultural narratives.


這個為期八週的課程將會延續水彩創作 1和2的內容,我們將運用這些水彩技巧來創造出一本水彩的作品書。這一次的課程將會展現不同影像的作品輯,其中包含敘述性以及非敘述性的作品。這本作品輯可以是一系列作品為主或者是單一作品的合輯。 指導老師將會教導繪畫以及水彩的技巧。 學員將會學習如何水彩創作,最後將會把作品收集成一本作品。


林怡伶出生於台灣,泰國長大,持有耶魯大學藝術學院繪畫碩士學位,英國斯萊德美術學院學士學位。她的作品已在中國廣東美術館,紐約皇后藝術博物館; 韓國光州藝術博物館; 以及奧地利,泰國,台灣,德國,英國和美國多個畫廊展出。林怡伶曾經獲得Elizabeth Canfield Hicks獎,常玉獎學金,並參加了NYFA移民藝術家項目,Fountainhead residency藝術家住村計劃以及布朗克斯藝術博物館的AIM計劃。林怡伶目前的作品著重於重新詮釋民間故事和文學跨時代多元文化敘事性的表現性藝術。


Time: 2-4 PM.




February: 1, 8, 15, 22.
March: 1, 8, 15, 22.


Questions: ggaraycochea@queensmuseum.org