Event - An Inclusive World Multidisciplinary Art Workshops

An Inclusive World Multidisciplinary Art Workshops

11.14.13, 10:00 am

10:00 “€“ 11:30am
Presentations by:
ArtAccess Program Coordinator Mitra Dejkameh
AHRC NYC Art Consultant Catherine Rosamond
HAI Arts Workshops Program Director Quimetta Perle and Creative Director Francis Palazzolo
Author of Art and Disability Alice J. Wexler
11:40am “€“ 1:00pm

Puppetry Making Through Re-Usable Materials
AHRC NYC Dramaturgy Specialist and Choreographer Oleg Ovcharenko
Using recycled items, instruction of character making in preliminary stages will be done. Character making will show how a set (a space) is defined through figurative subjects. The fundamentals of puppetry making will be demonstrated through the instruction of making a monkey head and a bird. Images and video of the puppetry play “€œCrocodile in Love”€ will be shown to provide a comprehensive overview of the art of puppetry. Ages 10 and above.
Quilting Memories & Pattern
Director of American Folk Art Museum Education Department Rachel Rosen
The types, styles, and techniques of quilt making are as diverse as the communities of quilt makers throughout history and across geographic regions.
Two Activity Options:
Option 1: Using drawing techniques participants will express what they love about Queens and their community. The drawing will be the central composition. Using patterned paper and fabric participants will create a border for their drawing.
Option 2: For younger participants:
Participants will choose and arrange several self-adhesive shapes to a foam foundation. They can stack shapes vertically to create a layered design and also to create a narrative quilt, participants can use foam shapes to create letters and/or figural designs. Ages 8 and above.
Decoupage Public Spaces
COPE NYC Teaching & Exhibiting Artist of “€œAn Inclusive World”€ exhibition Beth Beyer
Using scraps of papers Beth Beyer creates a cohesive decoupage of images that celebrates public spaces. Decoupage is a craft the artist often utilizes to create wonderful rich detailed surfaces on three dimensional works of art. Ages 8 and older.
All of US on Earth
HAI Arts Workshops Program Director Quimetta Perle
Participants will create flags that express their feeling about “€œAll of Us on Earth”€, inclusion and ecology. The flags will be strung on rope and displayed publicly at the Queens Museum of Art and on the internet. Ages 8 and above are welcome to participate.
Reclaim your Public and Personal Space
Juan Morel Campos Secondary School
High school students will give a workshop on creating personalized mats reclaiming public and personal spaces. Workshop is for all ages but focus is for young children.

Creative Mandala Making with Nature
Monica Iancu Fine Arts
Mandala making has traditionally been used as a sacred art form in meditative practice for ages. Mandalas’ are a symbolic map to promote inner reflection and connection to the greater universe. In this workshop, teaching artist Monica Iancu will use this contemplative East Asian art form as a source of inspiration and as a tool for reflection and engagement with nature. Participants will have the chance to create their own personal mandalas using rocks, wood, seeds and other natural materials combined with drawing and collage. We will also create a community made mandala throughout the day. This celebrates how public space can be a haven for creativity. Ages 8 and older. Between 10-20 participants per session.

Reflections of Our Inner State: Mobiles Made from Natural Materials
Director of Rockland Living Museum Christine Randolph with Justine Gerard
Create mobiles from natural materials!! Participants will create imaginative mobiles from natural materials that reflect their emotional and spiritual selves. Ages 13 and older can join.

Accordion Book Collaborative
Saint Francis Friends of the Poor Activities Coordinator Sonya Katcher
This type of accordion book folding emphasizes collaboration. There is no limit to pages in the book, allowing students to link the pages they’ve folded with other peoples’ folded pages. Just like public spaces afford us the opportunity to link our own lives to those of others, these books open themselves to the possibility of being joined with more pages. The pages provided will be blank. Students will be encouraged to fill these pages with images and words describing their experience in the park. I will instruct students on how to fold and join together pages. Ages 12 and older.

Animate Your Space
The Good School Co-founders Emily Brink and Laura Bellmont
With one material animators work to create a short film that shares their unique concept of community. Using the concept of community / neighborhood as a thematic jumping off point, participants hone their skills as fine artists and stop motion animators while focusing on one main material: Paper. Animators work to create a short film that shares their unique concept of community. Though the material choice is limited, the adaptation of these materials will be unique to each artists approach. Ages 8 and over can participate!

Weaving It Workshop
Weaving Hand Founder and Director Cynthia Alberto
Come and learn how to weave with Weaving Hand founder and director Cynthia Alberto! This introductory workshop focuses on how to weave on a table top cricket loom and back strap loom. Participants will be exploring design with color and texture, learning basic weave techniques. All are welcome to weave with us.


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