Event - AHL Foundation Exhibition “Shades of Time” Performances & Artist Talk

AHL Foundation Exhibition “Shades of Time” Performances & Artist Talk

07.12.14, 3:00 pm

In Conjunction with the Community Partnership Gallery Exhibition organized by the AHL Foundation, Shades of Time: An Exhibition from the Archive of Korean American Artists, Part Two, 1989″€“2001 

Jayoung Chung
Jayoung Chung

Live Performance with Music and Dance by Jayoung Chung, Performing with YOU, 2014/ about 10 min

Incorporating drawing, music, and technology into a performance. This piece was developed in residence at The Watermill Center, a laboratory for performance (www.watermillcenter.org). The tattoo on the dancer’s body is a work of Tattoo Art by Nadia NYC.

Dancer: Nixon Beltran

Choreography: Jayoung Chung and Nixon Beltran


Sun You
Sun You

Live Installation and Conversation by Sun You, Untitled, 2014

Mixed Media: ceramic tiles, magnets, screws, mirror, necklaces, earrings, draping pins, rubber wheels, push pins


Yeol Jung
Yeol Jung


Live Performance with Video by Yeol Jung, The Mask, 2014 / 7 min cycle

HD single channel video, stereo

Performance provided by Actor ManHo Kim.

75_4 Jaye Moon

Interactive Installation with Legos by Jaye Moon, A Tree Grows in a Museum, 2014

Legos, tape, ruler, wire, paint, plastic, and other mixed media


Followed by Discussion with the Artists