Exhibitions - CORONA STUDIO: Passing Card by Ghana Think Tank

CORONA STUDIO: Passing Card by Ghana Think Tank

05.08.11 – 08.14.11

Photo: Christopher Robbins

Here’s another response to the problem submitted in Corona about immigrants feeling they are being harassed by police using the unconstitutional NY Penal Code “Loiter Law” while waiting on the street.


The solution was to create informational cards for harassed Immigrants to hand to Police Officers to explain their situation.


Here’s the text on the cards:


“Esteemed Officer,


I understand that it is your right to stop and question me. Clearly you feel that I have given you some reason to doubt the integrity of my behavior. After all, I have been standing here for some time with no apparent reason for doing so. Then again you know, as I know, that there is nothing necessarily criminal about this”€”but perhaps it is my age, race and gender that concern you. I am well aware that over 84% of the allegations of police misconduct made in Corona, Queens involve young black or Latino males.


I fit the profile.


This is foremost in my mind as you approach me. I want you to know that I respect the premise of your role and that I acknowledge the risk of personal peril that you undertake each time you report for duty. But you should also know that your rigid stare evokes in me a sense of vulnerability and apprehension that seems out of place in our relationship: you an officer of the peace and me a member of this community you swore to serve and protect. Regardless, here we are and we must make the best of this unpleasant circumstance.


I assure that I will behave in a deferential and cooperative manner while carefully noting the details of our encounter: your name, badge number, and patrol car number. I ask only that you treat me with courtesy, professionalism, and respect.”


“Oficial estimado,


Entiendo que es su derecho detenerme e interrogarme. Evidentemente sientes que te he dado alguna razón para dudar de la integridad de mi conducta. Es cierto que llevo un tiempo aquí sin motivo aparente. Pero sabes tan bien como yo que no hay nada necesariamente criminal en esto. Pero tal vez sea mi edad, mi raza o mi género lo que te preocupa. Soy muy consciente de que más del 84% de los informes de mala conducta policial realizados en Corona, Queens, involucran a jóvenes negros o latinos.


Encajo en el perfil.


Esto es lo principal en mi mente mientras camina hacia mí.


Quiero que sepa que respeto la premisa de su función y reconozco el riesgo de peligro personal que corre cada vez que se presenta a trabajar. Pero también debes saber que tu mirada dura evoca en mí una sensación de vulnerabilidad y miedo que parece fuera de lugar en nuestra relación: tú un oficial de paz y yo un miembro de esta comunidad que juró servir y proteger.


En cualquier caso, aquí estamos y tenemos que sacar lo mejor de esta desagradable circunstancia. Le aseguro que me comportaré de manera cooperativa y respetuosa, mientras apunto cuidadosamente los detalles de nuestra reunión: su nombre, número de placa y número de patrulla. Solo pido que me traten con cortesía, profesionalismo y respeto.”

Participating Artists

— Christopher Robbins

— John Ewing

— Carmen Montoya