Join us for this special presentation, including an introduction and Q+A with Director Juan Daniel F. Molero!
Presented as part of the film series Uchronias and Dystopian Futures: Latin American Science Fiction Cinema of the 21st Century at the Museum of the Moving Image.
Dir. Juan Daniel F. Molero. Peru. 2015, 112 mins. In Spanish and English with English subtitles. With Muki Sabogal, Terom, Liliana Albornoz.
In this film, director Daniel Molero experiments with digital media and internet culture, as the film is seen through a range of screens: cellphones, security cameras, Google glass, and glitchy computer interfaces that tell a psychedelic story of the postmodern Latin American condition. A teenage girl meets Junior online, a slacker who is obsessed with conspiracy theories, Mayan prophecies of the end of the world, and amateur porn. Once the two connect in real life, strange supernatural events unfold. This film explores the way Peruvian society has transformed into a version of the hyper-technological neoliberal model that has encompassed the world, alongside the ruins and surviving knowledge of the pre-Columbian world. How have young Peruvians confronted the uncertainty of their future?
Daniel Molero, experimenta con los medios digitales, la cultura de Internet. El filme es visto a través de diversas pantallas: teléfonos, cámaras de seguridad, lentes de Google e interfaces de computadoras falladas, las cuales sirven para mostrar una historia psicodélica sobre la condición postmoderna latinoamericana. Una adolescente conoce a Junior online, quien es un chico vago obsesionado con las teorías conspiracionistas, las profecías Mayas de fin del mundo y el porno amateur. Cuando se conectan en la vida real, extraños hechos sobrenaturales aparecen. Cargando a la vez con las ruinas y los saberes sobrevivientes del mundo precolombino, algo en Latinoamérica siempre latente, esta película explora la manera en la que se ha transformado la sociedad peruana, a la par con el proyecto de modernidad neoliberal híper tecnificada que engloba al mundo; y se pregunta ¿cómo los jóvenes peruanos se confrontan con la incertidumbre de su futuro?
Tickets: $15 ($11 seniors and students / $9 youth (ages 3–17) / free for children under 3 and Museum members at the Film Lover and Kids Premium levels and above). Order tickets online. (Members may contact with questions regarding online reservations.)
Queens Museum visitors may use the code QMA20 to receive a 20% discount on tickets.
Image: Courtesy of Factory 25
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