Please join us for select Saturday afternoon screenings of two documentaries exploring the work of the Los Angeles Poverty Department (LAPD), whose retrospective exhibition Do you want the cosmetic version or do you want the real deal? Los Angeles Poverty Department, 1985-2014 is on view at the Queens Museum. The 2006 documentary THE REAL DEAL directed by Tom Jones, chronicles the evolution and impact of LAPD since the founding in 1985, while the 2009 Agentes y Activos (Agents & Assets) documentary provides an in-depth look at the production and reception of one of their seminal works, Agents & Assets, as LAPD tour the Spanish language version across Bolivia.
2pm -THE REAL DEAL, 2005, 78 min
3:30pm – Agentes y Activos (Agents & Assets), 2009, 32 min
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