Please join us for a special workshop of the community-engaged art project HamacaS by ArtBuilt Studio in the Park artist in residency Liene Bosquê .
ArtBuilt Studio in the Park is a six-week residency program that provides an artist or artist collective use of our 150-square-foot mobile studio space in a public park for a community-engaged art project. HamacaS will be an interactive installation of looms and hand-woven hammocks that aims to capture the physical and emotional displacement experienced by immigrants in the United States. It will consist of free English and Spanish language workshops in which participants engage in a collective hammock weaving installation. The hammock installation will act as a safe and healing space for the participants by reconnecting them with process of making something by hand and offering a space to lay down. The goal of HamacaS is to foment the discussion on issues of immigration and resilience and its relation to art.
The special workshop on Oct.21 will focus on Hammock Clew and Harness Making. The clew or harness is used to extend and adjust the length of the hammock in a more simple technique than the hammock bed. This workshop will focus in analyzing the different types and parts, making a wrapped eye and attach it to woven by the public hammocks.
Over the course of the 6 week residency the public is invited to co-create and enjoy HamacaS, an interactive installation, by participating in a series of public weaving workshops.
Click here for a full list of open hours and special events!
ArtBuilt Studio in the Park is made possible by the National Endowment for the Arts, Surdna Foundation, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and The New York Community Trust.
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