The Queens Museum Resilience Fund


Building connected communities for a brighter future

The Queens Museum remains deeply committed to supporting our communities and takes seriously our mission to leverage the power of art as a tool for global understanding. All of the money raised through the Resilience Fund will ensure the Museum remains accessible and responsive to the people that rely on us. 

Immediate Actions: 

  • Queens Museum Educators and Teaching Artists are working with the Department of Education to deliver remote educational tools
  • Providing multilingual digital and non-digital support and programming to families at home and to our New New Yorkers
  • Waiving all rental fees and extending studio leases through December for all 11 on-site studio artists 

In the coming weeks, we will provide new ways for our communities to interact with the Queens Museum from the comfort and safety of their homes via digital platforms, telephone, and mail.  

The Queens Museum From Home:

  • Uploads for Downtime, guided art activities for parents and children
  • Queens Teens Teach, a series of short videos developed by and showcasing the teens’ unique talents. 
  • Studio Sessions with our artists and educators. 
  • Vintage Queens, an online platform to collect and share stories and archive materials related to Queens, the Panorama and World’s Fairs.

Please make a donation to support our work below. Your gift is fully tax-deductible. You can also reach out to our Development team at Every contribution makes a difference.

We hope you stay safe and cannot wait to see you back at the Museum. For regular updates on how to engage with our collections, exhibitions, programs, and artists and educators from your home, we encourage you to check our website and social media channels. Thank you for your support.